Divorce in Nevada: Trusted Legal Guidance from Jennifer Gastelum Law

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Divorce in Nevada There are many difficult situations we face in our lives, whether it's family work or a relationship. But separating your ways from the person you think you spend your life with is challenging. Filing divorce is tough, but sometimes it is a necessity for your mental stability. It's a brave decision to file for a divorce in Nevad a , but no worries, there are laws to help you out in this challenging situation. Many people don't know the legal process and make mistakes that make their divorcing procedure so more challenging and exciting. Here is a list of 8 common mistakes you must avoid for a peaceful divorce in Nevada . 1. Failing to Understand Nevada’s Residency Requirements Living in Nevada, divorce filing needs to meet all the regulations. To get a divorce in Nevad a, one parter (it can be husband or wife) must live there for at least 6 weeks before starting the process. This is an important requirement to ...